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Price Match Guarantee

Not sure if you are getting the best deal, not to worry, we offer the best Price Matching service in the business!

From the the moment you click “Add to Cart”, to the day your order arrives at your door, we want your experience with us to be completely stress-free.

If you’re worried about finding a better deal online, now you can relax.


Here’s our promise:

If you find another store online that is offering a better price any time within three months of making your purchase, we will cover the difference. 

That’s right, we will send the money straight back to your pocket. If you buy one of our products for $100 and find it online for $90 just send an email to [email protected] with a link to the better priced product and we will take care of it from there.

You’ll get your $10 back right away. 

We offer this price match guarantee because we want you to be able to shop with confidence and not have to worry about if you’re getting the best deal online. With us, you always are. 

There are some requirements for us to price match:

  • We will only price match after you’ve placed an order for the product to be matched.
  • This is not valid for products on sale or offered with other promotions.
  • The product will only be price matched against other online retailers that do not have physical store locations.
  • The competitors website must show the price matched product as in stock.
  • Discount and auction sites will not be price matched (i.e. ebay, groupon, overstock).
  • Only Authorized Retailers of the product will be price matched.
  • Price matching is valid for the item price plus shipping costs. Sales tax is not included.